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we empower future readiness
«Only when the leaders are transformed will the company be transformed.»

Worth Reading

Since we consider learning as part of every person’s continuous learning journey and are convinced of their value also for our customers, we decided to publish interesting and pertinent articles in our “Worth Reading” section. This will not spare your time invested in reading but we hope to save you a little time searching for them in the vast abundance of available literature.

Feedback Isn`t Enough to Help Your Employees Grow Peter Bregmann and Howie Jacobson HBR 2021/12
How To Develop a Talent Pipeline for Your Digital Transformation Jeff Kavanaugh, Ravi Kumar S, HBR 2019/11
Why Asking for Advice Is More Effective Than Asking for Feedback J. Yoon, H. Blunden, A. Kristal, A. Whillans HBR 2019/09
A brilliant lesson in modern leadership Chris Matyszczyk Xing
If Humility Is So Important, Why Are Leaders So Arrogant? Bill Taylor HBR, 10/2018
Why we should be disagreeing more at work Amy Gallo HBR 01/2018
Learning to Learn Erika Andersen HBR 11/2017
Without Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness Doesn´t Work Daniel Goleman/Matthew Lippincott HBR 09/2017
What to do about Mediocrity on your Team. Joseph Grenny HBR 04/2017
Balance is Ingredient in Effective Leadership.  Pearls ZHU ZHU 02/2017
The Truth About Authentic Leaders.  Bill George 01/2017