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we empower future readiness
I prefer to remember the future

Leavor US

What's the biggest learning I am taking away from this program?

The first US Leavor program has come to a very successful end.

Here is the feedback from our participants:

The long-term success of organisations sinks or swims depending on the perspectives, attitudes and competences of those who are responsible for the alignment, structure, processes and culture of the organisation.

The higher this person is located in the hierarchy, the greater is their impact, the wider the scope of decision and ultimately their importance for the organisation. Consequently, the increasing complexity of this person's responsibilities go hand in hand with a volatile and dynamic environment.

Therefore it is of utmost importance to have a certain attitude and competence in order to act in a future oriented manner, as a manager and within the organisation as such. Managers must learn to deal with the unexpected and unanswerable. They must take responsibility and be willing to go out on a limb.

Leaders and managers are not provided with these attitudes and the required competences automatically when announced as such. They must and can be developed.

The core of the Learning Adventure for Business Excelence Program (Leavor) is the goal-oriented, consistent individual development aimed at personal and collective effectiveness.

Experiential learning is focused movement, development, change, stepping out of one's comfort zone, irritation, searching and experimenting. It is about leaving behind familiar thought and success patterns. It is about trying out something new and exciting. It is about starting an explorative journey which is interesting and fascinating, where the end appears to be undefined.

The focus of our Learning Adventure concept for future leaders lies in the goal-oriented and effective development of the personal learning process and in the responsibility to develop one's own "Department of Excellence“.