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we empower future readiness
Empowering development is shaping future successes

Who we are


“Thinking outside of the box keeps you from suffocating inside of one.”
Matshona Dhliwayo ― 

We see ourselves as a consulting studio:

  • Service Design is our foundation,
  • agility and Dynaxibility are the challenges,
  • effectiveness is leading our actions and
  • sustainability is our long-term objective.

As real partners, we develop smart customized services together with our client.

We always aim to be at the cutting edge when it comes to the topics of Cultural Transformation ManagementLearning Architecure and Leadership Development as well as strategic Talent and Succession Management. Only then we are able to create added value for our customers.

This means that we systematically deal with new developments in the field and therefore consistently expand our personal know-how on the topics. This learning process occurs in three central forms: in the collective work with our customers, in the continuous reflection on expertise and in joint "time-outs" and intensive discussions with our team (and also repeatedly with external experts).


Over and over again, we receive the feedback that …

“in the end, you helped us to become better versions of ourselves than we could have imagined before!”

This feedback is the highest recognition for our work and an obligation at the same time.

In co-creation, we design and implement customized and future-oriented solutions for

  • Cultural Transformation,
  • Learning Architectures for Organizational Excellence,
  • Leadership development,
  • Strategic Talent and Succession Management.


We work with companies from all industries whether profit or nonprofit oriented.

We are …

  • … clear in what we say and do!
  • … inspiring with our solutions!
  • … effective in our approach!

This approach is infused by an integrative and comprehensive mindset, always targeting to create customer-tailored concepts. This is guaranteed by our drive and enthusiasm for what we do!

Moreover, we strive to live up to our principles – recognizing our own patterns, trying out new paths and immersing into the unknown – in order to always create unique opportunities for our customers.

Consulting truly becomes really exciting for both - client and consultant - beyond the comfort zone. This is where we create Unique and New solutions.