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we empower future readiness
I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught!

Rudolf F. Binderlehner

MBA, akad. Business Manager



'Great Leaders are thoughtful and conscious, not impulsive and reactive'


Already during my first professional years, I was able to experience the leadership of two managing directors, who promoted me early on and supported me in my professional development. The creative work of a manager as well as the dynamics and success of change projects in companies aroused my curiosity, so I took responsibility and developed in these areas.

During my career I expanded my competencies at the University of Klagenfurt, in the areas of organization, personnel, and management development as part of my university education. I focused on change and transformation management, as well as on the systemic perspective in order to address future challenges in a dynamic and globalized environment.

Equipped with this experience, I was hired by Transformation Consulting Group as a consultant. There I was able to apply my knowledge and further deepen and develop it. With this knowledge, I became the managing director of a medium-sized company. In this position, whereby in twelve years the operational know-how has been further expanded by the strategic realignment, the management activity, the dynamic organizational development as well as the successful placement of a start-up on the European market.

With this experience I returned to Transformation Management AG (the company name changed in 2008). I am very pleased to support our international customers in their challenges. It is important for us to work together on the best solution. We do that with commitment to the cause and trust in cooperation.

 My consulting approach is to find answers together with our customers to the following questions:

  • How can change projects in a dynamic and system-preserving organization be implemented sustainably in order to ensure the desired success?
  • How must learning processes in organizations be designed to provide content anywhere, at any time and for the specific requirement, in order to enable employees to learn and develop in the best possible way?
  • Identifying, leading and promoting the best talent is a constant challenge for executives. What ideas does the company need to retain employees in the long term in order to be able to draw on the required talent if necessary?
  • What framework conditions do large organizations have to offer young talents in order to stand up to hip and young start-ups in the labor market – keywords: flexible workplace, working hours, work-life balance, dealing with control-ridder managers with these loose structures?
  • How can you best support those leaders who have an organization's understanding as a "machine", sharpen their perspective and acquire leadership qualities for complex and dynamic environments?
  • How can change leaders deal with criticism, fears and resistance to change in the systemic hierarchy in the best possible way in transformation processes in companies and convey the vision of the future in a comprehensible way?