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we empower future readiness
The capacity to learn is a gift

Doka Group

What to do?

...when one works as the CEO of a very successful corporation but already knows that the current leadership culture is not sufficient to master the challenges of the future or rather to remain the No. 1 in a global market.

From here there are many possibilities. 

We have chosen to work with the team of Transformation Management under the leadership of Prof. Graf because we have had already worked in good collaboration with them in the field of Talent Management, where in fact the groundwork for a successful future-oriented leadership culture lies.

We needed something that shows us the current behavioural patterns quickly and offers us an objective representation of ourselves. At the same time, we wanted to show how new and other behavioural patterns of leadership can be more effective in order to increase performance significantly. We were able to develop this on the basis of the „ LMC –Future Mind“ and have implemented it for all our global managers.

This can only work when the CEO himself is ready for change and is aware that he was and is also part of this past culture. Courage and a certain amount of risk willingness are necessary as the outcome is difficult to assess in advance. 

For us this was and still is the right instrument to launch a paradigm shift in our leadership culture. All managers were evaluated and scored in the LMC according defined leadership competences which are specifically important to us and which will bring the organisation to enhance our level of performance. This evaluation was then discussed and analysed together with their managers in feedback meetings. It was not our goal to tell everyone what they do well or badly; instead we wanted to find out what we need to offer as an organisation to our managers so that they can develop to who we need them to be in the future. This became part of our employee dialogue and therefore ensures the necessary sustainability.

Out of the LMC, focus groups with organisational focus topics were formed, mentors with international networks were developed and the social core process is increasingly prevalent in everyday cooperation. As a result trust, openness and organisational freedom in the scope of the group now play a major role. We want those entrepreneurs and managers in our organisation with decentralised leadership skills.

What I and all managers had to learn is that it is not a fast process. Changing corporate cultures takes as long as it took to create the former culture.

The sustainability of this process  „LMC –Future Mind“ with professional support is significant!

We have found this sustainibility with Mr. Prof. Graf and his team from "Transformation Management St. Gallen" who are specialists in changing corporate cultural.


Thank you again for this wonderful support! 


Jürgen Obiegli
Chief Executive Officer
Doka Group