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we empower future readiness
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Talent and Succession Management

Talent-Management-Index® - benchmark study D-A-CH

Talent and succession management is risk management. Risk management in the sense of a comprehensible, long-term safeguarding of the succession of key strategic positions in the company.
This security is only guaranteed if qualified identification and targeted skills development of central key personnel can be proven across all hierarchical levels.
The Talent Management Index® measures the professionalism of your succession and talent management system.

What are the study's objectives?

  • The Talent Management Index® allows a direct comparison with other participating companies by industry, size and structure.
  • Creation of a valid company, industry and country comparison
  • Development of guidelines and best-practice models
  • Suggestions for the successful implementation and further development of talent and succession management
  • Presentation of the elements critical to success
  • Systematic compilation of stumbling blocks

What are the benefits of participating in the study?

  • You know the quality with which you fill your key positions - quality in the management of succession risks
  • You will receive concrete feedback on where you stand with your talent and succession management system compared to other organizations.
  • You receive concrete suggestions on how strategic skills development should be designed
  • You will know the current status of your succession and talent management, structured according to the following areas: strategic orientation, management of succession risks, identification of talent, skills development, tools and IT as well as management
  • Based on best practice examples from the study, you will receive concrete suggestions on the next steps you can/should take to further professionalize your talent and succession management.
  • You will receive best-practice recommendations on how you can shape specialist careers in your company
  • You will receive a ranking on the quality of skills development in career management
  • Finally, you will find out whether you are on the right track, should change something and if so, what

These organisations have taken part in our study so far:


The Talent Management Index®

The “Talent Management Index” ® bases on the concept of Organizational Maturity – locating organisations at their respective level of maturity. The model assumes that professionally managed organisations go through consciously created development stages in order to cope with external and internal challenges.


Read more about the Talent Management Index® ...


Talent Management Index®: Distribution of Maturity Levels in various countries:


For some Talent Management is a highly present, controversial and emotional topic. For others Talent Management is just another overrated "buzz word". And then again others just bury their head in the sand hoping that everything won't go as bad after all. Many talk about Talent Management but do they all really mean the same thing? In the end it's all about human resources risk management: how do organisations prepare themselves for demographic changes, shortage of potential successors, growing independence of knowledge carriers or increasing cost pressures?

The "Talent Management Index®“ is an international research study conducted cooperatively by the University of Innsbruck and the Transformation Management AG. The study targets to help us better understand the real and diverse conditions of the current state of Talent Management. Our goal is to respond to a question asked by the Head of HR of a large German enterprise: "...does it really pay off?". Such a question only arises when you already believe that things are going the wrong way. 

There are two target groups that interest us: firstly, the stock market listed organisations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Out of these over 80% have taken part in our study so far and among them also major players like Credit Suisse AG, Deutsche Telekom AG, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, OMV AG, RWE AG, SAP AG, Strabag AG or Wienerberger AG etc. Additionally, we have included further commercial enterprises, so-called "Hidden Champions".

But focusing on Talent Management only from the perspective of commercial organisations may miss out on other very interesting approaches. Consequently, we are also addressing a second target group. It includes educational institutions, non-profit organisations and sports and cultural associations. Results already reflect their specific challenges and uncover significant learning potentials for businesses. 

We concentrate on the analysis of strategic alignment, economic and organisational challenges, concrete measures, impact and last but not least the future perspectives of Talent Management.