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we empower future readiness
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire

Course to become an «academically certified
talent and succession manager»

Game Changing Competence Development

What does the future look like in strategic Talent and Succession Management in practice?

Digital training program in cooperation with the University of Technology Vienna with final certificate as "academically certified:r Talent and Succession Manager:in".


Link TU Vienna website: Talent Management | TU Wien


Feedback on the course from Matthias Hablawetz, Human Resources Developer at A.T.U.

"I started the course to become an academically certified talent manager in May 2021 and successfully completed in fall 2021. The practical content of the course, the exchange with other colleagues and the feedback from TMAG were very helpful. As part of the course, I was          allowed, among other things, to design an internal talent program, which is now already in a very successful implementation phase at ATU. I received very positive feedback from the participants of this talent program, all the way up to the management.

Thus, this course had an absolute added value for me personally, but above all also for my daily work as a personnel developer."

Maximo Lopez-Alvarez

Senior Vice President Land Transport Cluster South East Europe. Schenker & Co AG

"I attended the course in winter 2023/2024 and, as the person responsible for a business unit, it seems unusual at first glance to deal with an "apparent" HR topic.
However, the intensive engagement with the topic and the consideration from different perspectives has confirmed that the impetus for talent management must come from the product and the business unit.

The deeper you go as a manager, the more you realize that it is strategically relevant for the business success of the business unit to deal with succession and active talent management at an early stage.
We are now taking this topic further internally in the company by first communicating its importance to the next management levels and working on a model to incorporate this into the assessments."


You want to know,

  • what strategic talent and succession management means and how it can achieve a higher level of maturity in your company - pragmatically, purposefully, professionally?
  • how a forward-looking competency model must be structured and where it can be used in a meaningful and helpful way?
  • how talent can be identified strategically and in a proper way?
  • how to ensure that talent and succession management are effective and helpful for the company and not a compulsory event?
  • which digital formats make sense in strategic talent and succession management and what is important and necessary to regard when introducing and using specific IT software?
  • what’s the Return on Investment (RoI) of strategic talent and succession management? How does a pragmatic, specific useful talent management cockpit look like?
  • how learning architectures of the future can be designed - digital, analog, synchronous, asynchronous?
  • how to design a staffing and succession systematic for now so that the right people can efficiently meet the challenges of the future and actively and consciously shape them?

Derived from our experience gained in more than 150 talent and succession management projects and combined with the findings of our international study “Talent Management Index 1.0 and 2.0” (sample size: more than 400 international organizations) – we know what is important in today’s talent and succession management to be(come) fit for the future. We strive to make this knowledge accessible for our course participants to help them design talent and succession management in line with their organization’s challenges and needs.



At the end of the program, participants will have

  • a deep knowledge of,

     - what elements strategic talent and succession management needs to include
     - how these elements should be designed
     - which tools and methods are useful
     - which trends need to be monitored

  • the ability to apply the gained knowledge in the concrete application in the talent and succession management in the respective company 
  • tangible insights into the current status quo of talent and succession management in the respective company - status check by means of the international Talent Management Index®    
  • a detailed, structured and company-tailored master plan guiding them in leveraging talent and succession management to the next level of maturity
  • and a certificate that proves this depth of knowledge and the ability to apply it


Participants work concurrently on specific talent and succession management issues in their organization.

  • The methodological basis of the course is the PRYSMA® model (PRofessional CompetencY RiSk MAnagement). We have merged our study results and the knowledge from over 100 relevant TMAG projects on talent and succession management to form a clearly structured and experience-based model, the PRYSMA® model.
  • A company-specific analysis serves as the starting point to identify the current status of talent and succession management in the respective company by means of the  Talent Management Index® (TMI®).
  • The model’s single elements are presented modularly as short impulses and are directly linked to the current situations of the participants, including room for discussion.      

  • Between the 7 modules, participants work on immediate implementation opportunities of the respective topic in their organization.

  • By working in learning groups, accompanied by real-time support, podcasts, peer group consulting, working-out-loud formats (HOT sessions), expert coaching, fuck-up sessions, sparring, chat rooms, etc. with talent management experts, each participant finds the right fit for further developing talent and succession management in their organization.

  • In this way, the theoretical superstructure is gradually substantiated in practice-oriented initiatives in each participant's organization.

  • During the course, each participant develops a concrete and tangible master plan to further develop talent and succession management to the next maturity level in their organization (in TMI®).


  • Kick-Off: 06th November 2024 (16-18 o'clock)
  • Session 1: 07th + 08th November 2024
  • Session 2: 21st + 22nd November 2024
  • Session 3: 16th + 17th January 2025
  • Topping House Party: 24th January 2025 (15-17 o'clock)
  • Session 4: 30th + 31st January 2025
  • Enhance Check-Up: 06th February 2025
  • Session 5: 13rd + 14th February 2025
  • Session 6: 23rd February 2025
  • Final audit: 13th (virtuell) + 14th March 2025 (TU Wien),  (15-18 o'clock)
  • Final audit with certificate distribution: 14th March 2025 (18 o'clock)

Time investment: 15 days in total (modules + working periods) during the 3,5 months 8 ECTS credits


2-3 hour impulses with concrete work on talent and succession management in your own company, accompanied by real-time support, podcasts, peer group consulting, working-out-loud formats (HOT sessions), expert coaching, fuck-up-night sessions, sparring, chat rooms, etc.

Target group

Our course content addresses employees and people that are responsible in the area of HR (HR business partners, HR-Managers, People Development Managers), Organization Developers, Transformation Managers, Company-internal Consultants who want to use/implement strategic talent management.



Completion of the course

Final exam:

Part 1 virtual: 13th March 2025 (15-18 p.m.)

Part 2 TU-Vienna: 14th March 2025 (15-18 p.m.)

Graduation ceremony:

TU Vienna: 14th March 2025 (18 p.m.)


The academic certificate is awarded to each participant who

  • has consistently attended the course (at least 80% attendance in the modules),
  • has developed a meaningful roadmap for the targeted further development of their own company-specific talent and succession management to the next level of maturity
  • presented this roadmap to all participants and trainers of the course in a "jiggle" session
  • has successfully (i.e., accepted with first concrete implementation measures) presented this master plan to the own management board/leader[1] and
  • has successfully completed the final examination. This consists of an approx. 5-page thesis and an oral examination in the form of a technical discussion.

[1] those who work on a concrete case of TMAG present the results to the training staff


Your trainers


Information and application

Gabriela Bodner

Phone: +49 89 51 51 3839
Mobile: +43 660 21 61 143


or via our contact form (see below)



Number of participants: max. 15 persons


Training : 7th November 2024 - 23rd February 2025

Kick-off: 6th November 2024 (13 - 14.30)

Registration period

28th February 2023


Participation fee: € 3.900,- resp. CHF 3.886,-[1] (excl. VAT)

Examination fee: € 180,- resp. CHF 179,- (excl. VAT)

Terms of payment: 14 days after receipt of invoice; in case of cancellation 2 weeks before
50% of the course fee will be charged, thereafter 90% of the course fee will be charged. 

[1] the respective daily average rate applies

Application form

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