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we empower future readiness
Don´t limit your challenges, challenge your limits!

Gerhard Graf

Prof. Dr.
Chairman of the Executive Board


Learning is the game, that's the most fun in life!

I feel fortuned to have learnt my fundamental competencies from two excellent teachers: on the one hand as an assistant to Heijo Rieckmann (chairholder of the department for Organisation-, Human Resources- and Management development at the University of Klagenfurt), who introduced me into the world of organisational and group dynamics as well as the derived goal-oriented design of change processes; and on the other hand as a PhD-student of Stephan Laske (chairholder for Human Recourses Management and Business Education at the University of Innsbruck) who fostered and supported me in conceptional designing and thinking, critical questioning in specific challenging topics with enthusiasm.

With this background I made my first consulting experiences in an inhouse-consulting of a famous German industry company. The next step of my personal development led me to a small strategy consulting company in St. Gallen (Switzerland). Nutured by these experiences I was ready to start my own business with the Transformation Management AG. Despite of all challenges and issues I value this decision.

I feel inspired to tackle together with our clients the challenges of modern companies caused by VUCA and Dynaxity. To go new ways, to create tailored solutions, to realize completely new approaches step by step to achieve best solutions releases energy and pleasure in my daily work. Especially when I can see that this effort pays off.

Prerequisit is an excellente, professional and creative team I am allowed to work with. I am delighted about the way how we take care of each other, how we challenge and push ourselves mutually in our individual development. Naturally this results in new topics which matter.

In my consultancy business I concentrate on:

  • How can organisations find their own way to achieve business excellence and readyness for the future?
  • How should development and learning processes be designed and organised to guarantee the uniqueness in the market?
  • It is a real art to identify the best of the companys´ employees. Which attitude, which tools and ideas do companies need to achieve this art? Only then the uniqueness can be created.
  • Which set of tools, skills, competences and attitudes do employees need, so that their next carreer step will be successfull?
  • Which leadership approach do managers need to master the growing challenges in dynamic and complex situations and how can they build up this competency?
  • How can the risk in Talent and Succession Management be managed?
  • How can this risk management be seen as a standard process in general business management and steering processes?