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we empower future readiness
I prefer to remember the future


FutureLAB - the development incubator for innovative management systems

Organizational survival increasingly depends on creativity, innovation and emotionally engaged employee's agility. 

Currently, present Management-DNA comprised of planning security, goals achievement, performance measurement and process optimization rather promote an attitude of obedience, performance and payment for work. (according to Gary Hamel 2008)

We have desgined FutureLAB to support organizations and their leaders in the development of their management systems. 

Core questions on the development of management systems

  • How do we want to collectively design and develop our organization professionally and purposefully on a strategic and operational level?
  • How do we have to organize ourselves, in order to
    a)  achieve the necessary quality and the agreed results, and simultanously 
    b)  secure the required flexibility, adaptability as well as agility in our organization as well as
    c)  allow emotional engagement and creativity in our and our colleagues' minds? 
  • Which standardized processes are required for a), b) and c)?
  • Which requirements arise for designing, managing, and controlling these processes? 
  • How do information, communication, learning and decision processes have to be designed? 
  • Which perception, thought and behvioral patterns do we have to develop as a leadership team in teams of our Business-Excellence conception? 
  • Which practical consequences arise from this for our leadership understanding, our respective leadership behavior and our collaboration as a leadership team? 

Structure of FutureLAB (project example)


Business-Excellence-Prozess (BEP) - Teams (project example)

During FutureLAB - Camp 1 participants will define fields of action which can support the organization towards achieving Business Excellence. Between the respective FutureLAB Camps participants will independently work on exactly these fields in 4-5 BEP-Teams (Business Excellence Prozess Teams).
