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we empower future readiness
There are no simple answers

Evelyn Oberrauch

Dr. rer. soc. oec.


„Life happens while you are planning it!“

After collecting first experiences in the topic of Learning Organisations at University I moved to Frankfurt, then London to work in an international consultancy business. The approach of seeing myself as a process consultant was helpful for implementing change processes successfully, that had impact for individuals, teams, departments and also whole organisations. I see my core competence in supporting individuals and organisations who are looking for development challenges they honestly want to take on and master. I joined TMAG in 2015, complementing with logotherapeutic ideas, and also working as a business coach and as conflict-mediator.


My focus is on issues like:

  • What are critical success factors for sustainable change?
  • How to cope with VUCA, how to keep my and my team´s / my department´s ability to act?
  • How to cope with conflicts in a constructive way? What helps me to see the potential in it and learn out of it?
  • What should I do if a situation has already escalated to a high level?
  • How can I convince others to take an active role within changes they can´t escape?